Barry Branvold of Barry's Collectors Corner in Grand Forks, North Dakota read Rich Biedrzycki's recent comments regarding the minimums for DC's upcoming The Flash and Green Lantern ring promotions (see "Rich Biedrzycki of Dreamland Comics on Promotion Minimums") and had this to say:

Well, Rick, I am a comic retailer and I have been one for 31 years.  Maybe in the Chicago area you can sell 100 copies of any title, but as a small market shop we are lucky to sell 15 of our bestselling titles!

The previous Ring Promotion required us to order 25 copies of a title such as R.E.B.E.L.S. to get one of the ring colors.  I am lucky to sell three copies of R.E.B.E.L.S.  Those minimums were very unreasonable for me and likely for many stores.  I think DC heard this sort of response (to the last promotion quantities) more than once.  I will likely order 10 to 15 copies of The Flash #1.  I don't want to order 85 copies more copies so that I can get some rings to give away and then trade the extras to Marvel in their next promotion!

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