Eileen Chong of Kinokuniya Bookstore in Sydney, Australia writes in and shares this Free Comic Book Day report.

This was our fourth year running FCBD and each time we see it growing and growing.  Even before our doors were due to open at 10am, we had an excited crowd of over 100 people waiting patiently outside and once we opened they all rushed to the comics counter to grab their free comic.  The most popular comics were The Stuff of Legend, Artifacts, Iron Man, Mouse Guard and Owly.

What was great to see this year was more parents coming in with their kids.  It was so cute to see them peering over the counter to select their comic.  Some dressed up as you can see from our photos -- we had our very own Mouse Guard!

The staff has always been enthusiastic about dressing up and this year was by far no exception.  We had Scarecrow, Sailor Mars, Catwoman (the Michelle Pfeiffer version!), Yotsuba, Kick-Ass, Rhino, Poison Ivy and Rogue.

Members from the Norvus Ordo group walked around greeting customers in their Star Wars costumes, posing for photos.  They also brought in an R2 unit and a Dalek, which was a highlight for many, especially the Doctor Who fans.  Upon hearing that a Dalek was going to be in store, one excited staff member immediately commenced his planning, rushing onto eBay to get his Captain Jack Harkness costume and dying his blonde locks to black.

Overall, it was yet again a great day and we look forward to next year.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.