Tower Prep, the live action series created and written by Paul Dini (Batman: The Animated Series, Tiny Toon Adventures, Ultimate Spider-Man), will debut on the Cartoon Network at 8pm (ET, PT) on Tuesday, October 19th.  The protagonist of the one-hour drama series, which is a clever sort of “The Prisoner meets the X-Men” mash-up, is Ian Archer, a rebellious teen who wakes up one morning in a mysterious academy for students with special abilities.


Cut off from all outside contact and unable to get any answers from the school’s faculty, Ian forms a secret group with his classmates who have powers like being able to imitate anyone’s voice, being able to see events a split second before they happen, being able to convince anybody to do just about anything, and being able to analyze people like a computer.   Together this ragtag group of students attempts to find the secrets behind the formidable institution known as Tower Prep.

The pilot episode was written by Dini, who also created the concept for the series.  Terry McDonoough, who has directed episodes of the award-winning drama Breaking Bad, helmed the Tower Prep pilot.