At the New York Comic Con IDW Publishing announced the continuation of its partnership with BBC Worldwide. Starting in January, IDW will publish a Doctor Who comic book series featuring the adventures of Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor. Earlier this year the revamped Doctor Who TV series set ratings records on BBC America and also reached the top spot on the iTunes TV chart.
Written by Tony Lee, Doctor Who #1 ($3.99) finds the Doctor and his new companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams battling holographic spam and “friending” messages on a planet that is just hours away from destruction at the hands of an alien race. Andrew Currie handles the art chores on issue # 1 with Tommy Lee Edwards providing the cover art. Fables artist Mark Buckingham provides one incentive cover, while Kelley Yates provides another that features a die-cut gatefold image that allows readers to open the TARDIS and see the Doctor inside.