Oni Press Publisher Joe Nozemack told ICv2 that "We’re hoping it’s a perennial" when we asked him when the top-performing Scott Pilgrim series would peter out. "We’ve still got the DVD and Blu-ray to come out (on November 9th, see "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World"), and then it will hit Netflix and Redbox, and then cable, so we’ve got a couple of windows there where we can keep seeing sales for a while."
With over one million copies of the six-volume series in print, this little series that could is surprising by its longevity. The movie, which released in early August, performed worse than expected (see "Scott Pilgrim Underperforms"), but the books have been selling well for months and were still tops in the bookstore market through September (see "Scott Pilgrim’s Hegemony Continues").
We asked Nozemack why he thought sales were continuing to be strong. "They’re good books; the fans seem to really love them and everybody passes them on and tells people about them," he said. "It’s well reviewed, well liked, good price point and format, all that together."
Everyone wants to know what Bryan Lee O’Malley is going to do next. "He’s taking a rest," Nozemack said. "He’s been traveling a lot to promote the film and just moved. He’s got some ideas gestating and he wants to see which one organically comes out as what he wants to do next."
Asked about other Oni titles that are on the move, Nozemack pointed to Sixth Gun. "That was supposed to be a miniseries and it’s been doing so well we’re actually going to continue it," he said. "It’s been great to see the response to a color floppy in the market." Oni recently announced that it would add 12 story pages to the planned 22 for issue #6, the final issue of the first story arc, without changing the cover price; it streets in November.
Other titles Nozemack noted were Yo Gabba Gabba, the recently released Guerillas, and the company’s bestsellers after Scott Pilgrim, Courtney Crumrin and Queen & Country.