I wrote in a few months ago stating my frustration with all the one-shots, miniseries and relaunches that have been done in the comic industry and it seems I left out the dreaded crossover. Yes, I said "dreaded." What am I to order? How many should I order? Who's going to be doing the art and writing or is that going to be "TOP SECRET?" Eh, who cares anymore?
Are you excited about this storyline? I'm not. I fear this storyline for the simple fact that we may end up losing money if we order wrong. I wish every retailer, hell every comic fan out there, would write into the big companies and state their displeasure with their antics in the industry. Cut the miniseries, cut the one-shots, cut the crossovers and just write a damn good story with damn good art in it's normal continuity in it's normal ongoing numbered title. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.
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