While I know and respect Joe Field, I must comment on his take about ComicsPRO. Like any of the organizations that Joe mentioned, like AAA or AARP for example, benefits are worth the dues. ComicsPRO touts benefits such as: Health insurance discount -- I don't need this benefit. Payroll processing discount -- I don't need for my 2 employees. Comic Suite software discount -- don't need. And others they list -- I don't need.
Joe says, "ComicsPRO members are making good efforts to effect positive change, not just for our members, but for all retailers. Those retailers on the sidelines, though, wouldn't know that. Why not? If you have made positive changes, why not advertise that fact? Wouldn't that promote ComicsPro?
Joe continues, "There is something a little strange about some non-member retailers feeling a sense of entitlement for every perk that comes down the path." Well, Joe, nowhere in my posting about early releases did I say anything about a feeling of entitlement. I guess I didn't know that ComicsPRO was responsible for every perk -- oh yes, they don't communicate with "non-members."
Joe then says, "Many of our members have saved money with our benefits much in excess of their annual dues." I don't see that as being the case in my small market store. I see your 2011 meeting is in Dallas, but I don't want to spend $299 for dues and then another $1500 in travel and lodging for your meeting (which is also 1500 miles away).
I am a member of the CBLDF and I don't feel a sense of "entitlement" from that organization nor do I expect or hope to ever "get" anything from them. They do good work and that is all that matters for me. When you (Joe or any member) can show me the good work of ComicsPRO, then we can talk. Maybe you could consider an affiliate program for ComicsPRO, for shops in small markets, unlike the California, Phoenix, Texas, Chicago, or a three store chain of Canada which are represented by your officers and board.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.