I read Ken's article on attending the ComicsPro meeting in Texas, and among other things, was so jealous of missing out on Bob Wayne's barbeque! Also the speed conferencing concept was a good one--some of my best conversations were on busses; whereas at the meals, you were there a long time next to just a couple of people. So it sounds like still a work in progress, which is great.
But I think Ralph sort of over-thought things. Do you really think there are no clueless fanboys running comic shops? I'm stuck out in the middle of the cornfields of Ohio and my nearest colleagues are Ken, and Superfly, and Bookery, and they are all far from clueless. But I still have run across more than a few in my 30 years in the biz, and I'm sure they are still out there. Is it insulting to call clueless fanboys clueless fanboys? And I won't even try to deconstruct "isolationist." Insufficient time.
I am really glad ComicsPro is having national meetings well put together. Congratulations.
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