Mark Welch of Comic Cubicle in Williamsburg, Virginia read Kirby Tardy's recent Talk Back regarding the benefits of Tuesday delivery (see "Kirby Tardy of Tardy's Collectors Corner on Tuesday Delivery") and had this to say.

I agree completely with everything Kirby says, and want to add another bonus about early delivery: the elimination of the dreaded Thursday delivery following a Monday holiday.  I have had a few customers this week who have assumed comics will be a day tardy (sorry, Kirby... I had to go there) due to Memorial Day and the news that this is not the case has cheered them up.  For retailers, this week will be just like "the good old days."  But for our customers, it will be business as usual.  Wednesday equals new comics.  For years I went overboard reminding people of the Thursday mess--verbal reminders, answering machine messages, e-mails, newsletter updates.  But people are just so mind set on Wednesday that many of them came through the door anyway, only to turn around empty handed.  It will be nice to eliminate this confusion and just let our customers concentrate on getting their weekly comics as easily as possible.
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