Just as he preps the time-traveling Terra Nova TV series with its modern family hurled back into a prehistoric dinosaur-filled past for its fall debut on Fox, Steven Spielberg is also discussing concepts for rebooting the Jurassic Park franchise with screenwriter Mark Protosevich.  Protosevich, who co-wrote I Am Legend and had a story credit on Marvel Studios’ Thor first worked with Spielberg on a remake of the Korean film Oldboy.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Universal which released the first three Jurassic Park films, is very interested in resurrecting the series in order to provide the studio with a much need summer tentpole.  The advances in digital design and the advent of modern 3-D technology make the prospect of stampeding dinosaurs careening after hapless humans well nigh irresistible, though no formal steps have yet been taken to get the Jurassic Park franchise, which spawned toys, comics and games, back on track.