Ford Lytle Gilmore announced the formation of new company Illuminati Entertainment as a management and production company specializing in selling creator-owned comic and videogame properties for film and TV development.  In addition to his comic writing career (Thundercats), Gilmore has been VP Development at Goodman/Rosen Productions.  Illuminati launched with an extensive client roster, including Dave Johnson, Phil Noto, Tomm Coker, Howard Chaykin, Steve Lieber, Jeff Parker, Dan Norton, and C.P. Smith. 


Although this is the first management company (that we're aware of) specifically organized to sell comic properties, Energy Entertainment launched a comic division in August.  Energy's clients include Keith Giffen, Colleen Doran, Tidal Wave, and Future Comcis (for Freemind). 


These developments underscore the increasing degree to which movie and television producers are looking to comics as source material; the already bulging pipelines of comic-based projects seem destined to continue to expand.