Marvel is offering retailers free Avengers vs. X-Men Party Kits to support launch parties planned for 8 p.m. April 3rd, one day before the comic goes on sale.  Retailers will choose a team for their store (Avengers or X-Men, natch) and receive promotional material suited to the team the store has chosen to support during the event. 
Kits will include a Program, a free comic previewing the event; postcards; customizable flyers; customizable press release; mini-posters; promo items; and Party Lithographs.  Participants will also receive an extra discount on the Road to Avengers Vs. X-Men trade paperback.  And depending on whether the store selected X-Men or Avengers, retailers will also receive an exclusive Avengers vs. X-Men #1 Spotlight Variant specific to the team supported by the store; and team-specific mini-posters, party tickets, team pins, in-store signage and shelf-talkers.