The check that Detective Comics (now DC) used to acquire the rights to Superman from Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster for $130 in 1938 is being auctioned by ComicConnect, with the top bid as this is written at $34,500. The check was discarded by DC in 1973 after it won its court case against Siegel and Shuster over ownership of the character. It was saved by a DC employee that recognized its significance, and it’s now found its way to ComicConnect.
Ironically, ComicConnect’s most recent high profile auction was the sale of a CGC 9.0 Action Comics #1 for $2.16 million (see "'Action Comics' #1 Brings $2.16M"), one indication of the value of the character whose first appearance is in that comic, and which this check acquired.
Litigation continues over Superman, with the current advantage to the heirs but DC continuing to battle (see "DC Wins Another Round").