Steve Jackson's Ogre Designer’s Edition, which we tracked when it had raised over $300k with two weeks to go (see "'Ogre Designer Edition' Sets Kickstarter Record"), ended up raising over $923,000. The original goal was $20,000; it was exceeded by a factor of 46! Ogre Designer’s Edition is one of the top ten projects ever on Kickstarter, and the #1 board game project.
Retailers were included in the project; 59 retailers bought a four-game package with extras.
The game will be released through distribution in November; follow-on Ogre products will be released in 2013.
Geek culture is now firmly established as a prime Kickstarter segment, with two projects around a million dollars as flagships. In addition to Ogre Designer’s Edition at $923K, the Order of the Stick graphic novels project raised $1.25 million just a few months ago (see "1.25M for Graphic Novels"). In a related medium, a Zenescop- based animated project raised nearly $190,000 to fund a pilot animated episode (see "Pilot for 'Grimm Fairy Tales' Animated Series Funded").