Scott Walston of Scott's Comics in Raleigh, North Carolina sent us this comment on Marvel's new terms (see 'New Marvel Trade Terms Rationalize Order Cycle' and 'Marvel, Diamond Discuss Terms Change').


Last week, I had my February order all finished.  Like several months over the past year, I had 'just' made the next discount level, because I was taking a chance on the Tsumani titles.  Well, the new trade terms came out, and like a lot of my peers, I found out my discount would drop.  So I responded by cutting my Marvel orders - I couldn't afford the product I had wanted to buy with the new lower discount.  Now Marvel is getting less money from me, because I will not bother to pad my orders.


If they want to do a rolling average for discount, why don't they just start the average on orders since Jan. 1, or Dec. 1, and then dealers would have more control over the discount, and it wouldn't penalize businesses, like mine, that are growing.


I do like being able to adjust the titles, up until 20 days before.  But I would rather have the higher discount.