Pre-registration runs Friday, May 10 from 3 -7pm, and offers registrants who submit a Deck list the first chance to receive the YCS Token Card, a new card making its North American Debut at Meadowlands. Players will also receive five Abyss Rising booster packs.
This event will also feature Dragon Duels for the younger players (born in 2000 or later) on Saturday and Sunday.
The winner of the event will receive an Ultra Rare version of the Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry prize card, paid travel to a World Championship Qualifier (unless a previous winner), YCS Top Cut Game Mat, and a 500GB game console.
Public events will include Regional Qualifiers, 3 vs. 3 Team Dueling, Attack of the Giant Card!!, Win-A-Mats, Duelist League, Onslaught of the Fire Kings Structure Deck tournaments, and Sealed Pack Tournaments for Battle Pack: Epic Dawn featuring exclusive Starfoil prize cards only available at premier events.
Konami recently set a new world record for the Most Players in a Trading Card Game Event at the 100th Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event in Long Beach in March of 2012 (see "Guinness Certifies Largest TCG Event").