Marvel is turbocharging Free Comic Book Day in New York City with a major promotion with the New York Post. It is giving away 500,000 copies of Ultimate X-Men #2 as free inserts in the New York Post (Wednesday in Manhattan, Thursday in the other boroughs). Ads in both the comics and the Post will direct consumers to comic retailers on Saturday for the first issue (Marvel's FCBD giveaway) and provide the number for the Comic Shop Locator Service to help find nearby stores. A PR push will be mounted in support of the promotion, including a feature on Post sister company Fox 5's morning show on Thursday. A promotion this size will undoubtedly not only have an impact in the New York metro area, but in the rest of the country as well, since media outlets around the country often pick up stories that are covered in the media capital of the world -- New York. A strong slate of promotional tie-ins (see 'Promotional Tie-Ins Build FCBD Awareness') is also in the mix.