Publisher: Scholastic/GRAPHIX
Release Date: April 20, 2014
Price: $12.99 (TP) / $22.99 (HC)
Creator: Mike Maihack
Format: 176 pgs., Black & White w/ Color, Trade Paperback / Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-5455-2843-6 (TP) / 978-0-5455-2842-9 (HC)
Age Range: 8-12
ICv2 Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
The teenage girl who one day will become the legendary queen Cleopatra inexplicably finds herself hurtled into the far future where she's destined to save the universe from the domination of the evil Xaius Octavian, supposedly. But to accomplish this, first she'll have to get through school so she's sent to Yasiro Academy where she excels at both blaster shooting and getting into trouble with her talking cat teacher Khesu.
This Cleopatra, or Cleo as she prefers to be called, is a remarkably down to earth royal. She chafed under the rules and obligations of royalty in her own time, and while her new situation offers more of the same, there are also exciting new freedoms and opportunities to be found in the future. She bonds easily with her instant new friend Akila as well as boy genius Brian, the boy who may be more than just a friend (who seems to have a crush on one if not both of the girls). And Cleo even comes to appreciate well-meaning authority figures like Khesu, at least a little.
"Cute" pretty much sums up the first volume of this series, from the characters to the simple, lively art that brings Cleo to vital life whether she's sitting around bored in class or battling a horde of robot mummies. This is definitely an all-ages comic that’s definitely fit for girls, and boys, of any age.
--Steve Bennett: Writer and retail services consultant