The current story arc has Steve Rogers drained of the super soldier serum that made him Captain America by the Iron Nail, so the Sentinel of Liberty must choose a successor. The short list of candidates will appear in issue #23. The storyline will intersect with Marvel’s major AXIS crossover event this fall (see "First Details of 'Avengers & X-Men: Axis'")
The oversized issue #25 will feature a cover by Stuart Immonen, with variants by Steve McNiven and Adam Hughes.
Cap writer Rick Remender was recently raked over the coals when angry fans misinterpreted a sex scene between The Falcon and Jet Zola in Captain America #22 to be statutory rape (Jet is at least 23 years old). Despite ample evidence to the contrary, the hashtag #FireRickRemender surfaced on Twitter and an internet kerfuffle ensued, which mostly seems to have subsided after numerous web posts documenting the character’s age at the time of the scene.