Thomas Gaul of CornerStore Comics in Anaheim, California saw Anthony Furrfuri's comments on Free Comic Book Day (see 'Anthony Furfferi of Empire Comics on Free Comic Book Day') and issued this response:


After I finished reading Anthony Furfferi's opinion regarding FCBD, I went back and read it again, then again.  All I see is armchair quarterback criticism.  Not once did Mr. Furfferi throw out any ideas that have purportedly been 'placed on the back burner.'  How constructive is it to sit back and say 'Hey guys and gals.  This FCBD thing works for you, but not me.  Come up with some other ideas to improve my business and my industry?'  I have always been taught that it is fine to make comments/criticisms/corrections whenever they are warranted, but don't bring them to the table unless you have an alternate suggestion to offer.


According to the story, 'over 78% of responding retailers reporting that they gained customers since the event, and 31% reporting that sales increased significantly.'  I have to disagree with the assessment that this event was anticlimactic.  As a smaller retailer, I know my numbers are insignificant compared to some of veteran stores out there, but I know for a fact that this event has successfully bolstered not only my sales, but my very own sense of community.  We distributed leftover FCBD books at the local library and schools.  You wouldn't believe the reactions of these kids.  It reminded me of why I read comics as a kid.  If FCBD were to cease to exist, I would continue to seek out low cost, age-friendly books to donate to these and other institutions.  I can't say that would be true if FCBD had not happened in the first place.


I am anxious to see what Mr. Furfferi has to offer in the way of ideas.  I look forward to seeing this 'back burner' boiling over with great new initiatives that will drive our businesses from every aspect.  I would like to say that I have a great idea to share, but since I do not, I will embrace the one that I know has been working consistently for me for these past couple of years.


The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and do not reflect the views of the editorial staff of