Teresa Moran of Acadiana Book & Comic Shop in Lafayette, Louisiana saw some of the recent comments on Free Comic Book Day (see 'Thomas Gaul of Cornerstone Comics on FCBD,' 'Steven Bates of Bookery Fantasy on Free Comic Book Day,' and 'Anthony Furfferi of Empire Comics on Free Comic Book Day') and has some ideas on how to build on the lessons learned from FCBD: 


Just want to comment concerning the gentlemen's' responses to FCBD.  I think they are all right:  1) It's a wonderful effort and nothing but good for our industry and individual businesses has come from it, and I intend to support it whole-heartedly, with, or without a big movie backing.  2) I learned that the success I had with FCBD could be used as a springboard for doing more to improve business all year long. 


My only frustration is that I can't learn and implement fast enough everything I've learned from that very positive experience. Kudos to the wonderfully enthusiastic, inspirational people who make these things possible, and also kudos to the 'sand in the oyster' person, so to speak, for not letting us get too comfy and rest on our laurels.  Wouldn't really want that last mentioned 'type' of person on my team because the tendency is then for all to sit down cry, wring their hands, and just create a vicious circle of complainers all doing the same thing. 


On the other hand, it just might make the 'cheering section' even more determined to do better.  It would be nicer and easier on everyone if everyone were nice and enthusiastic, and supportive, saying, 'Hey, that was great, now let's see if we can do even better!'  But, everyone is not going to do that so let's just try to ignore how they present their opinions and focus on their very good point:  how can we top what we did the last time and push forward to implement more good ideas!  I'm going to experiment with what I did for FCBD and see if the same idea will work for Halloween. 


I keep hearing that Halloween is one of the biggest retail events of the year but not for us because we don't sell costumes or candy!  Using the ideas for FCBD, I made a 'news release' to go to the local newspapers that says:  'You Are Invited!! Free Treats & Comic Books!  Welcome Trick-or-Treaters!  From 4pm to 8pm., Acadiana Book & Comic Shop, 2506 Johnston Street, Halloween, Friday, October 31.  I will send this to the newspapers four weeks in advance.  I clipped the color picture of the Archie Halloween Ashcan and Spidey & The Mini-Marvels offerings out of the Previews and used it to make the color flier invitation and news release.  My husband bought some inexpensive small brown bags and some candy assortments, and we will fix a table near the back of the shop so when they come in they will have to tour the shop and walk by our comics shelves.  We will put some candy in the bags and give a small bag of candy and one of the Archie comics away with our store name stamped on them.  We don't expect to do the amount of business as FCBD, but we may make some sales and make people aware that we exist.  Maybe in the future, Previews might make available to us at Halloween, kids super-hero costumes to sell, and maybe candy that the parents can buy for Halloween parties and trick-or-treaters.  We as retailers, and as an industry, do need to make our presence known better and get better at getting people in to buy. I like the ideas some of these gentlemen have for doing that on a national level.  Let's keep up the good work!!  And do better!!


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