Rich Biedrzycki of Dreamland in Schaumburg, Illinois disagrees with some who saw problems with the content of Avengers #71 (see 'Avengers #71 Delayed, Returnable' and 'Buddy Saunders of Lone Star Comics on Avengers #71'):


I would like to respond to Mr. Saunders comments on my previous Talk Back about Avengers #71.  I am sorry but I still don't and never will see what's so wrong with the panels in this book.  If any retailer thinks, as Mr. Saunders does, that this book would get a store shut down then they are totally wrong.  There is NO overtly sexual graphics and very tame language in here, compared to what is in some other titles on the stands, most video games, magazines, books, TV shows, and movies.  I agree it's every retailers responsibility to determine what is appropriate for their market but I also want publishers to know Mr.Saunders, Mr. Tierney and others are NOT speaking for me or for the majority of retailers.


All I can say is stand up to those zealots who might target your store don't back down and condemn publishers because of these people it's what they WANT you to do.  A few years ago I had someone from a local religious organization come in my store and make a scene about a certain book on the shelf.  My store manager called the police and had the person removed from the store and they never came back again.


The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and do not reflect the views of the editorial staff of