Columbia TriStar Home Video is releasing DVD box sets, which include all the episodes for the animated TV series Dilbert and The Critic. Dilbert, based on the comic strip that was so critical of the corporate cubicle world that it was banned in many workplaces, featured the vocal talents of Jason Alexander, Daniel Stern, and Kathy Griffin. The 4-DVD Dilbert Box Set includes all 30 episodes (373 minutes) plus a few choice extras including four classic clip compilations (Dogbert Speaks, The Office Politics Handbook, Watercooler, and You're Not the Boss of Me). The Dilbert DVD Box Set has a suggested retail price of $49.95.
In spite of some excellent movie parodies, The Critic, which was produced by James L. Brooks (The Simpsons) and featured the vocal talents of Jon Lovitz, never quite made it in the TV ratings race in spite of a great time slot following The Simpsons, but all the series' best moments (along with the other stuff) are available on this 3-disk box set, containing all 23 episodes. Extras, which include clip compilations, 8 episode commentaries, and a brand new featurette, flesh this box set's total running time out to 530 minutes. Like The Dilbert Box Set, The Critic carries a suggested retail price of $49.95 and hits retail on January 27, 2004. While these series are unlikely to replicate the amazing success of The Family Guy on DVD, these box sets should please the fans of these two innovative, if uneven, animated series.