Teen Titans
The Teen Titans animated series, one of the first American shows to adopt an anime style, is now officially over, but the Cartoon Network continues to rerun the series and its ratings remain strong. In January Bandai launched the Teen Titans Comic Game Heroes, a 1.5' mini-figure line with a major game component (see 'Teen Titans Comic Game Heroes'). Bandai also has three waves of highly articulated, fully pose-able 3.5' Action Figures ($4.99 ea.) planned for 2006. The first wave features the core Teen Titans characters, while the second includes the Doom Patrol and the Brain, and the third will be composed of cool translucent figures. Accompanying these 3.5' figures are the insect-themed Battling Machines (MSRP $6.99) transforming vehicle/insect, which come with a 3.5-inch figure.
New for 2006 are Teen Titans Deluxe Feature Figures (MSRP $8.99), 5-6' tall action figures that come with special weapons and accessories, and a Teen Titans Bike (MSRP $10.99), which comes with a 5' figure -- both Robin's R-Cycle and Beast Boy's Moped are available.
Ben 10
Bandai's major new toy initiative for 2006 is based on Ben 10, a new action adventure animated series that debuted in January on the Cartoon Network on Saturday mornings and is first in its timeslot with its target demographic of boys, 6-11. Created by comic book veterans Duncan Rouleau, Joe Casey, Joe Kelly, and Steve Seagle, Ben 10 is the story of a kid who finds a 'watch' -- the Omnitrix -- that gives him the power to transform into 10 different alien heroes.
Ten alien heroes provide the perfect excuse for a line of 4' Collectible Figures (MSRP $4.99), which debut this summer. Each figure comes with a lenticular card depicting Ben transforming into that character as well as a disk that can display 8 full color scenes from the series when viewed with the viewer included with the Ben 10 Deluxe Playset (MSRP $29.99).
Also due out this summer are 6' Feature Figures (MSRP $8.99) that ooze 'DNA' slime, and 8' Transforming Figures (MSRP $12.99) that morph from alien form into unique role-play toys.
Magical Do-Re-Mi