Variety is reporting on the progress of a number of Hollywood-based live action movie projects based on manga and anime properties. Some of Tinseltown's highest profile acquisitions including Speed Racer, Sailor Moon and Battle Angel Alita have yet to go before the cameras, but other, lesser known titles are in production or close to it.
Tokyopop's manhwa series Priest (by Min-Woo Hyung) will start shooting in October with Andrew Douglas (Amityville Horror) directing (a little later than originally planned, see ''Priest' Movie Set to Shoot').
Viz's Death Note has already been adapted into a live action film (starring Tatsuya Fujiwara of Battle Royale) by Warner Bros (see 'Warners Financing Live Action Death Note Movie'), which will open in Japan on June 17th.
Other key properties in development include Tokyopop's Pet Shop of Horrors, which is being developed by Rogue Pictures, and Witch Hunter Robin, which Roy Lee is hoping to turn into a live action TV series.
The two highest profile projects are Viz's Battle Angel Alita, which James Cameron continues to maintain will be filmed before the decade is out (see 'Battle Angel Alita in 2009') and Neon Genesis Evangelion, which U.S. rights holder ADV Films (rather than a Hollywood studio or production company, see 'ADV Acquires Live Action Evangelion Rights') is planning to remake as a live action film. While progress on the NGE live action film has been slow since it was announced three years ago, Weta Workshops is involved in the production and has already created concept art, and ADV is busy arranging the financing for what appears to be a very ambitious (and expensive) film.