Retailers interested in hosting tournaments based on Comic Images' Conan Collectible Card Game can order them online at the Conan CCG Website for $20 (Canadian retailers' cost is $23 and retailers from other countries can receive the kits for $26, which includes postage). The kits include all the materials necessary to support tournament play for up to 12 participants. Retailers can purchase up to a month's supply of tournament kits at a time and should allow 2-4 weeks for shipment.
Consumers can earn 'renown' points at tournaments (as well as by collecting the points on booster wrappers and starter deck boxes). Consumers can now redeem these 'renown' points for a variety of items including Conan comic books and game accessories such as health counters, scar counters, and renown counters, all decorated with art by top Conan artists including Ken Kelly, Nestor Redondo, and Oliver Specht.