Wizards of the Coast has announced that it is offering retailers a free launch kit to celebrate the November 6th launch of the MapleStory iTCG.  The kit, which has an estimated value of $100, is sent free to retailers who order one MapleStory iTCG booster display box.  The kit includes a MapleStory iTCG booster display box, a MapleStory Starter Set, 30 MapleStory promotional code cards available only through this offer, a MapleStory window cling, a counter card, and a mini-poster that explains everything retailers and customers need to know about the game.


WotC hopes that this offer will induce retailers to carry the game, which Wizards is producing in conjunction with Nexon America.  The MapleStory iTCG is an interactive extension to the massively multi-player online role-playing game (see 'WotC's MapleStory iTrading Card Game').  Each pack of MapleStory iTCG cards will include a code redeemable for online rewards and game experiences such as highly sought-after artifacts, rare virtual pets, and all-new quests.


Retailers interested in obtaining the MapleStory launch kits (available as long as supplies last) can do so via their hobby game distributors.