After a successful launch in 2007, Gen Con has expanded its programming for Gen Con Trade Day in 2008, with over twice as many sessions for retailers, expanded programming for librarians and educators, and a new track for game companies.  Panel discussions will bring together experts in their fields, major speakers will deliver presentations on key topics, and special events will offer the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with other attendees. 


Gen Con Trade Day programming will take place on Wednesday, August 13th, on the eve of the giant Gen Con consumer show.  Gen Con Trade Day registrants will also get early access to the exhibit floor on Thursday. 


Retailer programming will include panel discussions of POS systems, the future of collectible games, the growth of board games, retailer-educator collaborations, and retailer-librarian collaborations.  Seminar leaders will present sessions on retirement planning for retailers, store identity, retail management shorts, and how to use Gen Con to buy for your store.


Gen Con and Hidden City Games CEO Peter Adkison will share his experience on two exciting areas for game company executives—raising venture capital, and selling game IP to television.  A panel discussion will bring together experts on international game licensing to complete the special programming for game companies.


Educator programming includes sessions on using virtual environments in education, using games to foster creativity in the classroom, retailer-educator collaborations, and a special three-hour session on how to increase academic and social achievement with board and card games.


Programming for librarians includes sessions on circulating games, on using games in library activities, and on collaborating with retailers. 


All Gen Con Trade Day attendees, panelists, and exhibitors will also be invited to attend a special cocktail reception at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. 


Gen Con Trade Day online pre-registration ends June 28th; onsite registration will also be available. 


More information is available on the Gen Con Website.