The Battles of Napoleon: The Eagle and the Lion, an elaborate historical game that combines elements of board and miniature games is slated to ship to retail from Fantasy Flight Games in May.  Designed by Sergio Guerri and Ugo di Meglio and published in Europe by Nexus Editrice, The Battles of Napoleon: The Eagle and the Lion ($99.95) pits the forces of the French against the English in ten gripping, historically accurate scenarios.  The elaborate game includes hundreds of 1/72 plastic figures, modular terrain boards, cards, and dice.


Originally scheduled for release in the summer of 2008 (see “Battles of Napoleon”), the game is finally set to ship to retailers this May.  Battles of Napoleon is a war simulation system that presents players with the same problems that faced commanders during the Napoleonic wars, placing a premium on the well-coordinated use of infantry, artillery, and cavalry.  The Eagle and the Lion is the first in a series of Battles of Napoleon games that build upon each other.