Wizards of the Coast has announced the theme for the next season of Dungeons & Dragons Encounters, beginning May 11th. The new series of adventures will be called Dark Legacy of Evard, and features a sinister and shadowy theme.
Dark Legacy of Evard centers on the sleepy town of Duponde, home to the tomb of Evard the Black, a notorious shadow mage. Upon his death, Evard laid a curse on Duponde, and fifty years later it descends upon the town at last.
The action in Dark Legacy of Evard is designed to feature material from two supporting Dungeons & Dragons titles: Heroes of Shadow (suggested retail $29.95) includes rules for creating characters with a “dark” edge suitable to the campaign; while The Shadowfell: Gloomwrought and Beyond, releasing in May (suggested retail $39.99), provides source material for GMs who want to explore the dark themes of the campaign, and includes the 30 card Despair Deck for adding new twists to the story.
Like earlier Dungeons & Dragons Encounters events, Dark Legacy of Evard offers a weekly program of organized play, designed to encourage players to meet regularly with other local gamers and will be supported by in-store materials. The Dungeons & Dragons Encounters program began in 2010. More information can be found here: “WotC Lunching Weekly D&D Encounters.”