Wizards of the Coast has announced plans to release a new edition of the Book of Vile Darkness in December, which will tie in to the upcoming Syfy feature film (see “‘D&D’ Feature for Syfy”).
The book will include information about the characters and locations in the film as well as game material intended for Dungeon Masters who want to create campaigns that focus on “dark” subjects and themes. It includes a discussion on the nature of evil, and the complex challenges that dealing with these themes can create in a campaign.
The supplement will include a 32-page facsimile of the Book of Vile Darkness from the film, complete with adventure ideas. The 96-page game supplement will feature adventure hooks, skill challenges, and rituals, as well as options for characters. A full-color double-sided poster map rounds out the supplement. The supplement was written by Robert J. Schwalb, and will have a suggested retail price of $29.95.