Ted Yee of T&N Games in Burnaby, British Columbia (Canada) shares how Magic Celebration went at his store.
The Magic Celebration was a fairly successful event for us. We had 35 for the first event and 34 for the second. We had no trouble giving out all the boosters we were allocated. Everyone had a good time. Sales-wise, I wouldn't call it a success as there was basically no change in what we'd normally do on a Saturday except that we sold virtually no boosters and the shortfall was made up from higher than normal Yu-Gi-Oh! sales. After all, who's buying boosters when you're giving them away for free?
I managed to use the giveaway t-shirts to sell one Deckbuilder. That promotion seemed poorly thought out as the current Deckbuilder is scheduled to be replaced soon so not many people were all that interested. Also, only getting Large and X-Large shirts (and they were oversized at that) was very poorly thought out. Magic players aren't all fatsos who consider walking to their car as exercise and have regular diets of pop and chips. Medium and Large would have been more appropriate. The fact that there was no coordination within the supply chain to ensure there were enough Deckbuilders around for stores to stock up also didn't help. The Duels of the Planeswalker promos seemed fine. Many people took the cards but who knows how many people bothered to use it or even necessarily even have the game?
I will say that the less experienced players had somewhat less fun as they couldn't buy a win against some of the better players so they didn't get many additional free boosters. Next year, I would hope that the event is modified so that everyone gets a free booster each round regardless of the result.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely hose of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.
'Fairly Successful'
Posted by ICv2 on September 14, 2011 @ 1:33 am CT
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