Games Workshop has released information concerning the Warhammer 40K Sixth Edition Rulebook (MSRP $74.25), which is due to be released on June 30th.  The massive 452-page, full color hardcover (way up from the 304 pages in the Fifth Edition Rulebook) is packed with information and eye-catching graphics as well as all the rules needed to play the latest iteration of the science fiction tabletop miniatures war game that is Games Workshop’s most popular product line in North America.
Among the many changes to the popular sci-fi tabletop war game, the new rules add the concept of "allies" to mankind’s struggle for survival in the 41st millennium.  This is a real potential "game-changer" that will add all sorts of levels of complexity to the game as players attempt to form alliances that will strengthen the weak points of their own forces.  The new rulebook also contains extensive rules for flying units, and coincidentally Games Workshop has begun to create a new range of ultracool flying war machines.
In addition to the regular hardcover edition, Games Workshop has produced two other versions of the new Sixth Edition rulebook.  A limited edition of 4,000 Collector’s Editions will be printed on high quality parchment paper and will come in a leatherette case. Each volume of the Collector’s Edition (MSRP $132) will be hand-numbered.  The heavy paper makes this volume a real "weighty tome" that is fully three inches thick when ensconced in its deluxe case.
The Gamer’s Edition of the Warhammer 40K Sixth Edition Rulebook (MSRP $123.75) includes a swanky officer’s satchel, the standard rulebook and a set of red Munitorum dice that come in a tin shaped like a lasgun cartridge.  The satchel is big enough to hold the 452-page Sixth Edition Rulebook and also includes front pockets that fit the dice tin and other accessories.