The German publisher of the global hit Die Siedler von Catan released a Star Trek themed version of the game this spring. Today, Mayfair Games—publisher of the English-language version of Catan—announced the completion of negotiations to release the English-language Star Trek: Catan.
Mayfair intends to preview Star Trek: Catan at next month’s Gen Con game fair in Indianapolis. The game will initially be sold exclusively through U.S. Target stores, starting this autumn. Hobby exclusive Star Trek: Catan products are also planned.
Designed by Klaus Teuber, this version of The Settlers of Catan replaces the familiar ingredients with Star Trek-themed resources such as dilithium; settlements are replaced with space ports, and the robber becomes a Klingon Bird-of-Prey.
This is a bit more than a mere re-skinning of the now seventeen-year-old Settlers of Catan. Popular Star Trek characters are introduced to the game through the new "support cards." Ten characters are featured, including Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov, Chapel, Rand, and Sarek. Each character card has two special abilities that the card holder can use on his turn.