The Italian game publisher Ares Games (which also distributes in North America) has acquired the international rights to publish a new version of the classic board game of deduction, Inkognito: Conspiracy in Venice created by Alex Randolph and Leo Colovini. Ares plans to issue a new edition of Inkognito in 2013.
Inkognito was first published in 1988 by Hasbro under its Milton Bradley imprint, and was later revived by Winning Moves. Inkognito took home the Spiel des Jahres Special "Beautiful Game" award in 1988, and has been played by millions around the world.
Inkognito is a unique game of spying and deception for three or four players who take the roles of secret agents plying their trade during a Venetian Carnival, which allows them to wear masks as they prowl the city’s canals and streets searching for secret information. The game is played in pairs, but players don’t know who their "partner" is, and must discover via a card-based deduction system which of the other players is their cohort, and then work with him or her to accomplish their secret mission.