In response to Scott Prolux's comments regarding HeroClix allocations ('Scott Proulx of Double Midnight on Allocations', July 2, 2003), you seem to be doing all the right things by having multiple distributors. The problem may not be them in general, but how far up they are on the WizKids food chain, and how well you play the 'known allocation game.'
We also use multiple distributors for our gaming products. Taking into account WizKids' practice of shipping allocated product, we always make sure to pre-order at the time the product is announced, from all of our distributors, rather than wait for the solicitation. First, this places us at the top of their list. Second, it assures us a larger piece of the
allocation pie.
We are also aware of Wiz Kids' practice of shipping the product to distributors in waves. They may have ordered 100 cases, for example, but might receive 25% on Monday, another 24% on Tuesday, etc. Our solution? Wait to have the product shipped a day or two after its announced street date.
First, this allows the distributors to receive their multiple waves, and we have a better chance of receiving our entire order. Second, by the time the product reaches our stores, we inevitably become the only store in town with HeroClix in stock, and word travels fast.
I also mentioned the WizKids food chain. With certainty, some distributors will take up a larger portion of the shipped product than others. Is it fair? I don't really know. Do we play the game? Absolutely. As I said, we have multiple accounts, both national and regional. And we have received our entire order of product from all of them within days of the street date. All it takes is patience.