Lane Brown of The Sword and Grail in Asheville, North Carolina saw the comments on mass merchant competition on anime and CCGs (see 'Jim Schifeling of Acme Comics on Anime at Mass Merchants' and 'Daniel McAbee of The Tangled Web on Yu-Yu') and had this to say:


I am new to this market, opening up my first retail store just under two weeks ago, and I wonder why this happens.  I am referring to why the major manufactures go around us and give earlier release dates to Best Buy, Target, etc.  There must be a reason why but I cannot understand what it would be.  Lower cost I can understand, to a point, the buying power of mass market stores is staggering (but my cost is about the same as their sale price), but one or two week early releases?  Why?  What do they gain?  And is there anything we can do to reverse it or educate the companies with?   Our collective demo, support area, and expertise must count for something.


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