A spokesperson for Wizards of the Coast has confirmed to ICv2 that, 'due to global economic pressures and certain cost increases,' the company has decided to increase Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prices (MSRP) on its frontlist and backlist Magic: The Gathering and Magic: The Gathering Online Trading Card Games as well as on its Star Wars and Dungeons & Dragons Collectible Miniature Games products. Price increases on the Magic: The Gathering TCG and the Star Wars and Dungeons & Dragons CMGs will take effect on September 22nd, while the new MSRP for the Magic: The Gathering Online products will be in effect starting October 6th.
Under the new price schedule the MSRPs for Magic: The Gathering and Magic: The Gathering Online Booster Packs will rise from $3.69 to $3.99, with Tournament and Theme Decks going up a dollar from $11.29 to $12.29 (excluding 9th Edition Core Set Theme Decks) and Fat Packs jumping from $29.99 to $34.99. D&D and Star Wars CMG Booster Packs will go from $12.99 to $14.99, with Huge Packs rising from $19.99 to $21.99.
Wizards will also be lowering the discounts that it provides to its premier stores on its collectible miniature games. For D&D Minis, Axis & Allies Minis, and Dreamblade Minis, the discount will be lowered from 50% off MSRP to 49% off MSRP, while the discount for the Star Wars CMG will fall from 50% off MSRP to 48% off MSRP. The changes will affect any backlist orders that ship on or after September 22, 2006, as well as for any orders for new products with a release date on or after September 22, 2006.
In addition to lowering the discounts on the CMGs for retailers, WotC is also dropping its distributor discounts by the same amounts--the D&D, Axis & Allies, and Dreamblade Minis distributor discount will be lowered by 1% and the Star Wars CMG discount by 2%.