Sales Estimates for September Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
October 15, 2018
These are estimate of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during September 2018.
Sales Estimates for September Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
October 15, 2018
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during September 2018.
But Are Still Down for the Year-to-Date
October 12, 2018
Comics and graphic novel sales to comic stores continued to improve in September and Q3, but still showed declines for the year-to-date.
Sales Estimates for August Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
September 17, 2018
These are estimate of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during August 2018.
Sales Estimates for August Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
September 17, 2018
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during August 2018.
As Marvel Dominates Share
September 14, 2018
A big month for Marvel helped sales of comics and graphic novels to comic stores grow in August.
VIZ Shuts Out All Competitors on the Manga Chart
September 11, 2018
DC Comics dominates the superhero chart, with 12 DC or Vertigo titles making the top 20.
The Dog Daze of August
September 10, 2018
The Dog Man juggernaut just keeps on rolling along, with no sign of stopping anytime soon.
Staying in 'The Adventure Zone'
September 10, 2018
For the second month in a row, The Adventure Zone topped the chart of the top 20 graphic novels in the book channel.
Hot and Fresh
August 15, 2018
On the Superhero chart, DC Comics has the edge with 11 titles.
A Journey to 'The Adventure Zone'
August 14, 2018
This month belongs to the first volume of The Adventure Zone.
Sales Estimates for July Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
August 13, 2018
These are estimate of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during July 2018.