The Anime News Network has reported Gainax's announcement of a series of three new figures from the decidedly popular Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series. According to the Gainax announcement 'humanity's enemies have taken on a new form,' and images of the new angels designed by Yoshizaki Mine leave no doubt that the form in question, is the female form. While it might be a little disturbing to see the city-destroying Sachiel (A-03) as a comely cutie with weird wings, it is truly puzzling to see the alien boy Kaworu/Tabris (A-17) transgendered for this series.
In any case, as with all things Evangelion, there is bound to be interest here in the States in these 5.5-inch figures, which are due out in Japan in December and will cost about $23. With the debut of Evangelion on Adult Swim and the availability of the series in a lower priced (SRP $89.95) thin-pack edition, there should be a revival of the property here in the States, and perhaps someone will import these new interpretations of the series' avenging angels.