BCI, a division of the Navarre Corporation, has announced the November release of the tokusatsu (literally 'special effects') science fiction TV show, Iron King, a 26-episode series that ran on Japanese TV in 1972-1973 under the title Iron Kingu.  BCI will release the complete series in a 4-DVD set (MSRP $39.98) that comes with a 20-page booklet that includes a history of the show, interviews with cast members, and an episode guide.

Shizuka Gentaro, the hero of this campy classic who is a secret member of the Japanese Defense Forces, often wears a cowboy outfit with a special belt that helps him coordinate with his friend Goro, ostensibly a goofy misfit, who actually has a computer mechanism installed in his body that allows him to transform into the super-powered cyborg giant known as the Iron King.