Lucas Cruikshank (Hannah Montana) will portray the eponymous hero of Emo Boy, a film based on the satirical SLG comic book series by Stephen Emond about a very melodramatic high school boy who believes he has “Emo” powers. Jamie King (Sin City) will play Mrs. Hutchinson, a high school teacher and emo sympathizer.
Last December Vanguard Films picked up the rights to the comics (see “Vanguard Nabs Emo Boy”). Kyle Newman is set to direct the film from a screenplay by Emond. The fact that the key roles in the production have been cast is a strong indication that the film is likely to get made in the near future. More details about the film will be released at a panel at the San Diego Comic-Con.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Emond has a young adult novel, Happyface, coming out from Little Brown in March. SLG has published two aptly titled graphic novel collections of Emond's Emo Boy--Vol. 1: Nobody Cares About Anything Anyway So Why Don’t We All Just Die and Vol.2: Walk Around With Your Head Down.