Living legend Stan Lee weighed in on the Disney acquisition of Marvel (see “Comics Merging with Hollywood, continued”) by statement, letting everyone know he was bullish on the deal.  “I couldn’t be happier with this agreement,” he said. “It’s a great move for Disney, for Marvel and for my company Pow! Entertainment since Pow! has a first-look deal with Disney.

"From every possible point of view, the merger of Disney and Marvel is a match made in heaven. Just imagine, with this deal Marvel gives Disney a library of literally hundreds of unique and colorful characters that have the potential to make great, high-concept movies and long-lasting franchises — and nobody knows how to play in that ball park better than Disney. This is a great day for the two companies and for the entertainment community as a whole. To sum it up as simply as possible, when you combine the best with the best, everyone wins!”