NBM Publishing has announced its release schedule through July, including new titles from Jiro Taniguchi, Kerascoet, Annie Goetzinger & Rodolphe, A. Dan & Maximilien Le Roy, and Sean Michael Wilson.

In January, David Prudhomme’s Cruising Through the Louvre will arrive. The story is about the author’s decision to cruise the museum, not looking at the art, but observing the people and their interactions with various art pieces.  The 80-page hardcover has an MSRP of $22.99.

The latest volume of Joann Sfar, Lewis Trondeim, Stanislas, and Nicolas Keramidas’ Dungeon Monsters series, Vol. 6: The Great Animator, is scheduled for release in February. The 96-page, full color trade paperback has an MSRP of $15.99.

(Click any image for larger view.)

March will bring a new graphic novel biography of philosopher Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau, A Sublime Life is by A. Dan and Maximilien Le Roy. The 88-page, full color hardcover has an MSRP of $19.99.

The latest entry in The Louvre Collection of graphic novels will be done by Eisner-nominated manga-ka Jiro Taniguchi. The story follows a Japanese designer who leaves his European tour group to visit museums in Paris alone. However, he becomes ill, bedridden with fever, alone in a foreign country. When the fever breaks, he immediately ventures out to visit the Louvre.  His journey through the halls shifts between fever dreams and reality, where he considers the art, humanity and his own personal history.  Guardians of the Louvre is a 136-page, full color hardcover. MSRP is $24.99. Release is planned for April.

May will bring the new graphic novel Paper Dolls, by the married couple known as Kerascoet (Miss Don’t Touch Me, Beauty, Beautiful Darkness). The limited release (1000 copies) includes a collection of the artists’ work in comics, animation and advertising. The 324-page, full color, debossed clothbound book includes cut-outs, stickers and more. MSRP is $59.99.

Breaking the Ten is the story of a man who loses his wife and child in a tragic car accident, and decides to prove there is no God by systematically breaking all Ten Commandments. However, he is shadowed by two mysterious figures, Mr. White and Mr. Black, who try to win David over to their side: the religious or the humanistic.  Created by Sean Michael Wilson and Michiru Morikawa, the 112-page, black and white paperback has an MSRP of $11.99. Release is planned for June.

In July, NBM will release Marie Antoinette, Phantom Queen by Annie Goetzinger & Rodolphe. Set in the 1930s, an artist discovers she has a psychic gift to communicate with ghosts, and the famous Queen Marie Antoinette has a terrible secret she is trying to reveal.  The 68-page, full color hardcover has an MSRP of $17.99.