Margaret Stohl (Beautiful Creatures series) will write a sequel to October’s New York Times Bestseller Black Widow: Forever Red titled Black Widow: Red Vengeance. The book will see Agent Romanov united with her fellow operative Ana Orlova, the Red Widow.
Tom Angleberger (Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side) will pen the Guardians of the Galaxy novel Rocket & Groot: Stranded on Planet Strip Mall. Release is planned for March. MSRP on the 224-page hardcover illustrated novel is $13.99.In the fall, Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl series) will write a new take on Tony Stark with a new Iron Man adventure.
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Shannon Hale (Princess Academy, Ever After High series) will co-write two new YA novels with her husband Dean Hale. The first is a new story featuring Doreen Green, aka Squirrel Girl. The second is a new adventure for Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel.Release dates were not announced.