Produced by Justin Hall (No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics) & Dave Davenport (Feral and the Ghostskater), Hard to Swallow is a gay erotic comic by men for men. The series ran from 2006 until 2009, and featured quality stories that were also sexy, including everything from werewolves and skater ghosts to pirates and porn stars. Hall and Davenport drew inspiration from punk, tattoo art, indie comics, gei manga, and confessional memoirs, with guest cartoonists in every issue, including BiL Sherman, Drub, Steve MacIsaac, and Brad Rader.
The new, 300-page collection will feature all the stories from the book's four-issue run, plus several all-new stories unique to the book including guest work by Victor Hodge (Black Gay Boy Fantasy) and Jon Macy (Fearful Hunter, Teleny and Camille).
MSRP is $25.00 for the paperback. Trade release is planned for May or June.
The Kickstarter has raised $16,791 from 285 backers ($58.92/backer average) as of this writing, with three days to go. The Kickstarter features two retailer levels for multiple copies of the book. A recent update on the Kickstarter states “if we reach $17,500, then we'll be able to replace every Kickstarter backer's print books with hardcovers, for the same pledge amount. (Including retailer packages!)”