The multi-issue Vampire Hunter D: Message from Mars is based on a story by series author Kikuchi which was only published for a fan event in Japan. The story is adapted by comic writer and screenwriter Brandon Easton (Andre the Giant, Closer to Heaven,Watson and Holmes). Art for the series is being created by Michael Broussard (The Darkness, Captain Midnight), inspired by the original production design by Yoshitaka Amano.
The story is told from the view of Cecile, a human colonist on Mars. On Earth, a devastating nuclear war leads to the rise of the Nobility and eventually starts D on a journey to become a vampire hunter.
Stranger Comics will be promoting the book at the Diamond Retailer Summit in Baltimore.
The Kickstarter campaign has raised $57,582 form 814 backers ($70.74 / backer average) as of this writing, with 27 days to go. A Pathfinder RPG supplement pdf is among the Kickstarter backer rewards, but there are no plans to release it as a physical product.