Minerva, created by Hisashi Hayashi (Trains, Yokohama), is a resource management based tile-laying game set in Ancient Greece. Players use their tiles to create a resource-building engine that can only be activated a limited number of times by placing “residences.”
This game is designed for 1 to 4 players, ages 10 and up, and plays in a little over an hour. MSRP is $40.00. Minerva will release this fall.
Prolific designer Bruno Faidutti has teamed up with Gwenael Bouquin (SmileyFace, Knock! Knock!) to create King’s Life, which Pandasaurus’ Managing Director Molly Mardlaw describes as similar to Citadels, “(I)t’s very similar but a lighter weight.”In King’s Life, players try to convince the king to do one fun thing each week, earning points by guiding the king to their favored activity. But, players who fail can still earn points by supporting a winning player. King’s Life is intended for 4 to 8 players, ages 10 and up, and plays in about half an hour. MSRP is $30.00. Release date is also set for fall.
Dinosaur Island, currently in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign that has broken $350,000, is on schedule to release in August. This worker-placement auction game designed by Jon Gilmour and Brian Lewis has an MSRP of $69.99 (see “Pandasaurus Heads for ‘Dinosaur Island’”).