The Prox Transmissions is co-written by Bates and comic writer Peter David. The OGN follows the unraveling world of SETI radio astronomer Dr. Stephen Browning, who becomes a pawn in a much bigger game after discovering a cryptic message. Various artists, including Mirko Colak (The Punisher), provide art for the book, which features a cover by Skan. The 88-page, full-color OGN will be on sale in September.
The project is in collaboration with the Starset Society, a fictional organization that forms the backbone of the band’s elaborate mythology. Bates pulled from his background in electrical engineering and interest in scientists like Carl Sagan and Nikola Tesla to shape the illusory group, which purports to support emerging technology and to investigate how such science might impact society. The OGN appears to be an adaptation, at least in part, of a novel of the same name self-published by the Starset Society in 2015.
Starset was formed by Bates in 2013. The band has 250 million streams and nearly 1 billion YouTube views to their credit, and their most recent album, Vessels, debuted at #11 in Billboard’s charts. The band’s songs and videos are heavily influenced by science and science fiction concepts, and incorporate elements of various musical styles, including alternative rock, hard rock, EDM, prog rock, and chamber pop.
Check out a preview in the gallery below.