Apes and humans clash in WYSIWY Games’ new Planet of the Apes:  The Miniatures Board Game, scheduled for next year.

WYSIWY’s game uses miniatures to simulate battles between apes and humans, fighting over a three-dimensional game board.  The game, designed by Herve Sagnier (Z First Impact:  Opus 1) will include dozens of plastic miniatures to represent the combatants.  The game will be playable by one to four players. Based on the promotional artwork, this licensed game will drawns on the more recent Planet of the Apes film series which launched in 2005, and will see the third film, War for the Planet of the Apes, release in theaters on July 14 (see “New 'War for the POTA' Trailer”).

WYSIWY Games will fund the project through a Kickstarter campaign, scheduled to begin next April.

WYSIWY Games is not the only company looking towards the Planet of the Apes as the 50th Anniversary of the original film nears.  IDW Games also plans a board game based on the original 1968 film adaptation (see “Film Classic ‘Planet of the Apes’ Comes to Tabletop”).